Joe Miklosi's campaign manager, Joe Hamill, recently tweeted out an article about former political staffers seeking pay for their work and added a comment about the detrimental effects that would have on their careers. This revelation comes a day after The Colorado Observer reported there is an ongoing pay dispute between Joe Miklosi's Congressional campaign and a former political staffer.

Does Joe Miklosi share Joe Hamill's view about staffers seeking pay? Does he think it's appropriate for a campaign manager working for a campaign embroiled in a labor dispute to be publicly trashing workers seeking back pay?

On April 6, Joe Hamill tweeted this:

With a formal back pay complaint filed against the Miklosi campaign for stiffing the former campaign finance director Kirsten Boyd, it's probably not a legally nor politically smart decision to weigh in publicly on the subject of compensation owed to former employees. 

Since Hamill is the campaign manager, isn't it safe to assume he speaks for the campaign? As The Observer article could easily be named "How Joe Miklosi's campaign gets away with not paying its finance director" it seems fair to say Hamill doesn't think Boyd's back pay complaint is a very smart course of action. 

Joe Miklosi has yet to weigh in on the scandal roiling his campaign, but with his campaign manager dipping his toe into the issue, he might have to clarify his position.